Arab Junior High School Home


Please pardon our progress as we transition to our new website and mobile apps!  We are excited to offer new ways to connect and stay informed about all things in Arab City Schools.
This year, we will be offering online payments for student fees and activities, streamlined communication services, iOS and Android mobile apps, push notifications, and more!
ACS Vision Logo

Our Principles

Arab City Schools will...
... create an environment of respect where all learners feel safe, accepted, valued, and supported.
... foster a collaborative culture where learners respectfully share and exchange ideas, views, and knowledge.
... promote academic excellence by inspiring a passion for learning.
... provide systems of support to meet the needs of all learners.
... cultivate learners who are reflective and who set goals for academic, extracurricular, and personal growth.
... utilize organizations and programs to develop leaders and enrich learning.
... implement activities and programs that strengthen community and parent partnerships.
... maximize resources and facilities to best meet the needs of learners.
... prepare learners for a successful future.
Theatre Students on Stage

Our Mission, Our Vision, & Core Values

Our Vision
Invest in Others ⋅ Serve our Community ⋅ Seek Growth
Our Mission
To shape the future of all learners and our community.
Our Core Values
Enthusiasm ⋅ Excellence ⋅ Integrity ⋅ Relationships ⋅ Unity
"We are passionate about bringing our vision to life every day. Serve Day is a way for our ACS family to say thank you to volunteers, businesses, organizations, and churches for their partnerships.  Together, we are investing in the community we love.”
Stacie Pace, Assistant Superintendent, Arab City Schools

AJHS Calendar

Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Location: Guntersville High School, 14227 US-431, Guntersville, AL 35976, USA

Principal's Message

Welcome to Arab Junior High School!
We are a thriving school with many excellent opportunities for students in grades six through eight.  Our staff is dedicated to the academic, social, and extracurricular well-being of each student.  As a graduate of Arab City Schools, I can attest to the mission to shape the future of all learners and the community.
My leadership objectives for Arab Junior High School are based on five guiding principles: 1) support academic growth, 2) build positive relationships with students, 3) facilitate productive communication with parents and the community, 4) maintain a collegial faculty environment, and 5) consult the Arab City Schools vision when making decisions.  
My door is always open, and you may contact me with any questions or concerns.  I am looking forward to a great year at Arab Junior High School!

School News

Computer assets

Welcome to Our New Website!

Thank you for visiting our new website! Please check back often as updates are made, and click on article headlines to view full stories where applicable.
School buses

Managing News Stories

Summary text is best limited to 1-3 sentences, and featured images will look best if all ratios match (current ratio 2x3 landscape). This is an example story.

At A Glance

  • 54% Faculty with Master's
    Degree or Higher
  • 16:1 Class Size
  • 80% Students Participating in
    Extracurricular Activities